There’s a lot at stake for assisted living facilities.
At HealthCap, our philosophy has always been that the best claim is the claim you never have to file. So risk prevention has been a real emphasis of ours. We visit nearly every member on their premises every year to help them deliver better quality to their residents, families, and employees. The visits involve a mix of consultation, data gathering, and analytics. As a by-product, we help reduce claims.
Preventing Risk to Reduce Claims
Claims result from adverse events—usually falls, but also from skin issues and medication errors. These events can be devastating. Typically, you have residents who have fallen and hurt themselves severely. Even when a resident’s health is severely compromised, and has been for some time, adverse events are surprising, even jolting to families and caregivers. If mistakes were made, or even if there were none, the finger pointing can begin. It can cost a resident their life, a family their loved one, a nurse her job, and a facility their reputation and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In other words, there’s a lot at stake.
But if adverse events in senior living facilities can kill residents, careers and reputations, then why don’t most facilities track and trend adverse events well, if at all? If they do track adverse events, they fill out paper incident reports and then don’t know what do with them. Even if a nurse pores through the stack of reports, after the tenth or eleventh out of fifty in a stack, they all start to look alike.
A Better Way to Track and Trend Adverse Events
We believe it shouldn’t have to be that way. We asked ourselves how we could help facility managers empower their teams to provide better care in a simple and cost-effective way. So QA Reader was born and now we can confidently say that QA Reader is the simplest, most elegant QA dashboard for senior living.QA Reader is a natural extension of our risk management focus, association with industry leaders, and experience with handling and preventing claims.
If using nursing hours to gather data from all the paper reports is a problem, no problem. We do it for you. Just push a button to track and trend adverse events across facilities, shifts, time of day, or days of the week. Our experienced risk managers review all serious incidents and provide feedback with next steps to take. QA Reader enables each facility to shift 500 nursing hours from pushing paper to providing care each year.
Our goal is to free nurses to do nursing and let QA Reader help teams reduce adverse events, and have healthier residents and happier families. So far, 600 facilities across the country agree.
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